3 years old has been a really fun age to hang with Grahm. Today Grandma and Aunt Amanda took him out to a pumpkin farm Aunt Amanda picked out-Finks Farm... it was more than your ordinary farm, with many creative farm activities to try. And where as a year ago I don't know if Grahm would have really gotten into much beyond a hayride, this year Grahm tried every one! Grahm got to go ride a horse -which he loved. He shot corn and pumpkins from a cannon -an instant favorite, of course. They cheered on pigs at a pig race. He went for a ride on a tractor train, and then jumped, rolled, and dug in a house full of dried corn -a corn crib! We also fed some farm animals, lasso'd a bull, ran a hay maze and ate some roasted corn. We had so much fun, we were just about too pooped to pick out our pumpkin.
A halloween costume has been chosen after much thought. There was never any question that it would be some sort super hero, but which one was the question. Grahm started out choosing definitively batman, but no sooner was he considering flash, superman, spider man and hawk man. Mom didn't even know there was a hawk man?! We decided the best bet would be to go to the costume store together, where batman and his mask, cape and muscles won a place in Grahms heart.
In keeping with our family list of fall must do's, we set out to apple pick. This year, we tried a new farm up in Rockland county -Dr. Davies Farm. It's a pretty farm with the hudson in view. Grahm was able to climb the trees himself this trip, eating apples right from the branches much to his delight. Some of the best apples were found in the highest branches, so we got to use a special picking pole to reach them. A hayride ended our day, lots of fun!
We spent a beautiful fall afternoon with friends Madelyn and Caleb over at Fort Greene Park. It's been neat to see Grahm make his own friends, and watch them play on their own. This afternoon was full of monster tag, stair jumping, rock climbing and scootering.
One of Grahm's best pals, Benicio, turned the big 3 -and these boys knew how to celebrate! They partied at Hanana Outpost, taking over the place with bubbles, blowers and cupcakes. Happy Birthday Benicio!