This picture instantly brings me back to what a fun time we had on the swings that night. Grahm squealing as he was pushed higher and higher, us laughing, egging him on. Thanks for the catching this one Dad.
Grahm has been all about helping lately. Whether its doing dishes, or mixing pancakes all of a sudden a chair will appear beside you and up pops Grahm to lend a hand. Here he was helping Daddy make a terrarium. They laid a bed of pebbles, scooped in the dirt, and placed the tiny plants. Total perk that this job included playing with dirt inside.
We had a really lazy, low key and snuggley kind of weekend. We hit the botanical gardens for a long walk and a visit to the coy pond. And then on Sunday we watched the nyc marathon and went to the park. Nothing special, but so special. We love weekends.
Happy Halloween! We hardly made it out the door before Grahm was stripping out of his Halloween costume- atleast we got a picture. This was Grahm's first year trick or treating, and by the second door he was a pro. We went with veteran trick or treater Charlotte the unicorn who showed Grahm and Harlow the ropes. Our neighborhood was full of Halloween spirit, with many a brownstone being spooked out with webs, creatures and creepy music. We think Grahm might list it as one of his best days ever, as he fell asleep that night he was still muttering trick or treat.