It rained all day, and to amuse ourselves, we gave Grahm's Halloween costume a dry run... He's going to be a robot this year! Dress up was fun today, watching Grahm jump around, breaking out in fits of giggles. It's a little early but we couldn't wait to share how cute he looked!
Grahm spent some quality time with Cleo and Alice on Saturday. As they all approach 1.5, they are really starting to interact more -they danced together, took turns on the rocking sheep, shared snacks, even pushed each other in a wagon. Of course, the lovefest ended when Cleo wanted a go at the play cel phone that Grahm wasn't quite ready to hand over. The good vibe was restored when the baby blackberry made its way out -can you believe these toys?!
I felt it was important to include a post about the other baby, the first baby -Mr. Bean. We are so lucky that Bean is such a loving, sweet and tolerant dog. As much as Grahm loves Bean, he doesn't always show him in the most gentle way -let's just say he likes to squish the love right into bean. And that's after hurling his ball just out of reach. We don't know if they've bonded over food or what (Grahm practices the one for me, one for Bean method where his dinner is concerened) but they really have become the dynamic duo.
We got to visit Grandpa and Aunt Pat today in Woodside. We spent the morning catching up, enjoying the amazing view and lifting things out of curious Grahm's reach. And of course, there were snuggles...
This was Grahm on the way to visit -that's the wallstreet version of the fisherprice farm.
We are really lucky to live so close to the Brooklyn Childrens Museum. Saturday morning was rainy, and we needed to get out some of our yaya's before nap time. We ran over to the museum and spent the morning sifting for treasures in a river, making pizza, and building with giant lego's. Excellent time, followed by an excellent 3 hour nap. We all win!
We went hiking today in Rockefeller State Park. I think this is our first time hiking with Grahm, where he wanted to, and was actually capable of doing alot of walking on his own. Although this made things take alot longer, as we stopped to look at every falling leaf, twig, rock, puddle, sometimes it is good to just take time out to enjoy the simpler things. When Grahm wasn't hiking (and he did find his very own walking stick!) Mom carried Grahm in his Kelty backpack which was really easy -although it took some time to get used to constant little fingers running through my hair. Daddy took lots of pictures, and Bean did lots of sniffing.
We saw them all, at the Bronx Zoo! Dan and Amie came for a visit, and we decided to spend the beautiful day strolling through the Bronx Zoo. Grahm is a very thorough zoo visitor, wanting to spend an eternity at each exhibit. His favorite species seemed to be the seals, and the leemers. Each making Grahm break out in the giggles. Amie was brave enough to hit the Children's area with us, where we popped in and out of gopher holes, climed spider webs and sat in a birds nest. We let Grahm tackle the beaver log on his own.